This is a gentle and therapeutic version of aerial yoga. The extra support of a silk hammock allows the body to completely soften, surrender and focus effortlessly. Like classical restorative yin yoga, this class balances the elements of a slow-paced asana flow, pranayama, and powerful guided meditation enhancing awareness of the internal sensations present in the body and mind. However, a levitated yoga practice reaches muscle groups that cannot be accessed on the mat, providing a deeper dimension into organic exploration in each pose and enhances stretches and twists. Practicing while levitated also calms the nervous system, and boosts the immune system.
Students will enjoy a tranquil candle-lit, inward focused practice, grounding their energy while off of the ground. You'll explore how to remain in a meditative mindset while in and out of motion. Students will finish their practice with an extra long savasana experience, floating peacefully inside of a silk cocoon.
Recommended for all levels and anyone new-to-aerial yoga.
Cost $35/student
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